Friday, May 1, 2009

Homeschooling at it's finest

So I must admit I have become EXTREMELY relaxed when it comes to "teaching" Jakob. Sometimes I feel as though I am just being lazy and then days come like this one where I would have missed this wonderful opportunity to see his thought process progress and an ultimate lightbulb moment happen for him. Here's the story:

This was a Thursday and we had been going full blast all week long with playdates, bootcamp, Ju Jitsu, and miserably trying to keep the house up. I had officially declared this our "lazy day" which basically meant we were not going anywhere.

Since bathrooms are Jakob's chore I though I would make a game out of my tile in the shower being in desperate need of a scrub, so we talked about making our own volcanoes. We made one in a glass in the kitchen, which he thought was the coolest thing. Next I told him that he could make a volcano in the shower and use the bubbles to clean. I was shocked he went for it. He stayed in the shower for about 15 min scrubbing with a toothbrush and making little volcanoes everywhere (my shower is super clean now thanks to him!!).

After that we had a discussion about volcanoes and dinosaurs and why dinosaurs lived in dino land (which we re named as "Long before I was born time"). He was having a little trouble understanding the part about rocks getting so hot that they melted so I took him to the computer and showed him pictures and videos of volcanoes. We then visited documentaries on Pompeii and there he understood the process of fossilization when it comes to volcanoes.

Needless to say I was having a pretty proud mama moment. But it got better.

He then asked for some paper so that he could draw pictures to show Mike when he got home how he learned to make a volcano. He put them in chronological order and numbered them so Mike would understand. Afterwards he and Hazel went outside to let the puppy pee and I gave them some chalk to doodle with. Jakob proceeded to draw in detail everysingle type of volcano we had seen on the computer. He even drew pictures of the "mummies" of Pompeii!! I was so impressed. He finished off his explorations with his own photography seeion where he took pictures of his art with his camera.

Now all of this seems simple and I know he would learn relatively the same things in a classroom, but I felt so honored to not have to give up that moment. I feel like I missed so much when he was a baby and now I don't have to give up some of his firsts anymore.

Drawing the cloud blasts

Taking his own pictures

Posing next to his art.

I really wished I could have gotten some better pics of his drawings but everytime Hazel sees the camera she has a fit trying to get it. Ahh the joys of being Two I guess.
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