Friday, May 1, 2009

Earth Day Picnic

First Off let me tell you how much I LOVE having my camera back. Although I am not the best photographer in the world by any means I absolutely have to have a way to snap our life as it happens. On this day we went and met up with some friends from another Meet Up group that I belong to. It was the Organizer's birthday and in an effort to raise $$ for the cost of the group and a new revolutionary project they have started (more to come on that but you can go to to check it out) everyone got together and had a picnic and donated goods to raffle off. It was a WONDERFUL time! The kids played, I got to do yoga in the park, and of course we ate some really good food with some awesome people. All in all a pretty awesome day!

Jakob Chowin down b4 rushing back out to play!

Hazel had her eye on these super cute wool covered soaps that one of the moms donated and was eyeing them the whole time she was explaining how she made them.

Still eyeing the soaps, so I had to enter the raffle and win her one! We scored a BEAUTIFUL purple one with lavendar scents!
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