Monday, January 26, 2009

My BABY Girl Turned 2 Today!!

Oh man, I can even begin typing this post without tears in my eyes. I just cannot believe how blessed we are to have the most wonderful children ever! Both Jakob and Hazel bless us and teach us everyday and show us who we really want to be and why. I thank God that each of my children were sent to me at just the right time. Jakob, to teach me to focus on more than just myself. And Hazel to teach me to let go and let God!! Both lessons have been very instrumental and both children reinforce these lessons for me on a daily basis. Since it is Hazel's Birthday I posted some pictures to remind me (mainly) and all of my friends and family just how far we have come!

Hazel in the NICU on her first day she was allowed to wear clothes! After all the clothes that we bought and were given we still had to hunt down Preemie clothes the night before! This was as close as I could get to a birthday shot (about 7-10 days after she was born) since hardly any pictures were taken when she was born. And those that were, were only polaroids. I just can't bring myself to hunt them out again.

Here she is at 1! My how she had changed and yet stayed the same! thanks again to my friend Stacey for taking these pictures for us on that COLD January afternoon.

These were taken today at the park with our friends. She is so big now and so grown up it's hard to imagine that we were ever worried that she was a preemie! LOL But its NEVER hard to forget how much she looks like her Daddy! Happy Birthday Baby Girl! I love you!

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