Ok so this is really funny since I logged on to see if Erin had posted any new pics of LM and here I get tagged! LOL. Ok so here are 10 things about me.
1. I LOVE MY HUSBAND!!!! Yeah I know its sappy, but he is GREAT!!! Sometimes I just sit back and stare in amazement at how blessed I am to have someone in my life that truly wants to be involved in everything, even poopy diapers. Well he would probably choose to opt out of that detail, but he does it!
2. My kids amaze me everyday! They are my world and I can't imagine or remember life being better before they came along. It is so wonderful seeing them grow and change on a daily basis. And although sometimes they know just the perfect button to push, they make me feel like the luckiest momma in the world. I love you kiddos!
3. I am addicted to challenges. This could be viewed as my strength and my weakness at the same time. Tell me I CAN'T do something and I will turn myself inside out proving I CAN. Along with that comes my really bad habit of taking on too many challenges at once. There are days when I could just smack myself in the face and ask, "How did you get this involved in EVERYTHING?" It leaves little personal time, but oh man do I just love it when I can pull it off!
4. I have to read. No it's not just having a book to read, I literally have to read it all! I remember being in school and positioning the cereal boxes in front of me and reading all sides and getting frustrated when I ran out of words before I ran out of food. I even find myself reading the news ticker at the bottom of the TV instead of listening to the stories.
5. My biggest pet peeve is ignorance. Now I understand we just don't know what we just don't know, but when we refuse to look for the answers or understand fully why we believe or say the things we do it just makes me sick. I don't care if you think the sky is purple, just tell me why you believe it and don't hate me for believing it's blue. Sorry still on an election kick there. BTW the best remedy for ignorance is to READ!!! :-)
6. I am very critical of myself. I want to be the best mom, wife, christian, friend, everything. Sometimes when I realize I have fallen short, or just completely off I tend to be really hard on myself. I believe it makes me always strive to be a better person, but allows me little time to enjoy my own successes. Gotta stick that one on my Resolution List.
7. Children are my WORLD!! Of course my own two amazing kids are top priority, but I just love kids period! I definitely inherited that from my mom, who on any given day would have two, three, ten "rent-a-kids" hanging around for the day. I love to watch children grow and explore and light up. It makes me the happiest person in the world. Hey Jesus himself told us to be like the little children so what would make better sense than to completely involve yourself in a child's world! It makes me smile just thinking about it.
8. I love seeing God's Beauty and Blessings! I can look back and see exactly how HE guided me through my life even though I may not have made the best choices at the time, he knew all along where it would bring me. It is hard sometimes not to worry about the future and how things are going to turn out, but then I look back and I see that if any one major event in my life had not gone the way it did, I would not be where I am now or as happy as I am now. I know I can't take credit for that! Thank you GOD!!!
9. I am a planner. Yes I plan and write and list and plan and write some more. I even list the things I want to plan! And no Erin you are not alone, I write out lists of things I have already accomplished just to be able to show myself, "Hey, you did do something today!" With all of this planning you would think I was the most organized person in the world, but unfortunately that is not the case. I try I really do but I have to be in the mood to be organized or it just doesn't happen. So I just keep a notebook of my plans, kind of like my little journal which I can use or I can just write out the things I would LIKE to do.
10. I crave knowledge. I just have to know it, have to understand it all! I may not agree with it, but I just want to know why something is the way it is and how it relates to the world around us. I will probably end up being the professional student. I still find myself saying "Well did I learn anything today? No? Ok can't go to bed yet!"
Wow that was fun! Now that you know a little more about me, I suppose I should pass this along and since the only other person I know that has blog is Angela... TAG YOUR IT!!!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago