Saturday, October 18, 2008

We had a visitor last week

So one afternoon last week the kids and I went out back to play for a little while before going to the Y. Jakob looked across the yard and said, "Hey mommy a bird came to see us!" It took me a second to realize that it was a hawk but once I did I immediately knew what he was doing! Jakob wanted to go and see if he could pet it but I tried to explain to him that this bird was a very strong bird and had a bad attitude. He then told me, "No its not a bad attitude bird, look its nice it's cleaning its feathers!" I let him take some pictures but that was about it. Once the camera flashed the bird started getting antsy and hopped on the fence and then flew away. The last picture is Jakob's that he took to prove to me that the bird was not eating anything but cleaning its feathers, good thing it didn't pay attention to the lump it held in its claws!

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